High-Quality Ingredients
and Solutions for the Food Industry
We provide excellent customer service and technical support to forge strong relationships between our global network of suppliers and our local customers.
We work closely with our customers to innovate and improve their products through ingredients that add functionality, texture, taste nutrition and value.

The Cornell Experience
The secret ingredients of how we have continuously improved over the years

We strive to satisfy our customers with excellence in quality and inn service by catering to their needs and exceedingt heir expectations.

We believe goodwill and good reputation is core to our business; we uphold Honesty, Sincerity, Professionalism and a high level of business ethics.

We cultivate talent and leadership to create sound business quality food ingredients and solutions to best meet our customers’ needs and to develop market, people and shareholder values.

We learn from our experiences and best global practices. We offer quality food ingredients and solutions leveraging on world-class knowledge. We embrace positive change brought forth by innovation and aspirations to grow business.
With over 30 years of
experience, we have a proven
track record and delivering over
3,000 order annually
How can we help?
Inquiries and Consultation
Want to create your own products? Ask a question about what ingredients you’re looking for and we’ll answer as soon as possible.
Contact Us